Cleaning of the area


You will find the Geocentric cleaning team in the GCID area every day

The GCID was very dirty when operations started. Especially the public open areas along Glosderry and Garfield Roads were very neglected, strewn with litter and illegal dumping and frequented with places where vagrants made fires and left rotten food in bags. This was all cleaned up in the first few weeks of the operations.

Thereafter the GCID team developed an area cleaning plan and started with operations to keep the area clean, litter free, gutters swept and verged mowed regularly.

In preparation for winter the GCID cleaning team has also opened all the storm water drains accessible to them and have removed large volumes of leaves and litter thereby reducing the changes of road flooding at the onset of the rainy season.

Falling tree branches present a specific challenge in the area with the many trees. Fallen branches are taken away and cut to length for removal by the Geocentric vehicle and trailer or by the City of Cape Town if they are in the area. The cleaning team regularly remove weeds in the public space as well and cut all grassed areas and verges regularly. Any incidents of illegal dumping are dealt with immediately. All large rocks and bricks have also been taken out of the area. These are often used as a means to break a window for the purpose of theft from a building or vehicle or used as a weapon and by removing these the opportunity for crime is also reduced